Monday, February 10, 2014

"How To Write A Song In 30 Minutes or Less" is a fast lane intro into the land of songwriting, teaching everything from how to keep an idea flowing from brain to paper, to writing melody and lyrics. A chapter is devoted to each step to give you precise details on what to do and how to do it. There are even two extra chapters devoted to what you should do after writing your masterpiece! If you are a songwriter just starting out, this book has scores of good pointers and advice to get you started. It can be your companion during the process of writing songs quickly and effectively.

The book is to come out within the next 48 hours on Amazon Kindle! If you are interested in learning how to write that first hit song, this book will teach you how! I will be posting content on song and lyric writing and melody writing, so keep posted to this blog for more. I will also get the links for you to buy the book if you wish in the next 3 days.

Until next time, take it easy and happy songwriting!

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